Sunday, May 25, 2008

may 2008

this is my first blog for the new year which has already become old and tired,. . the year that is not my blog, lol. nothing new has happened so far. well, i have just become more aware of how selfish and ungrateful human beings are. they take, take, take and then want, want, want. . . more, more, more . . . and having taken all they move on . . . ad infinitum.

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

boxing day

today is boxing day, the day after christmas. the calm after the storm; the storm of, shopping, shopping ....... where is christ in all of this??? forgotten in his manger, i guess. now it's on to celebrating the new year..more shopping !!!! see you next year.

Monday, November 26, 2007

not today

ever thought of running away from it all? well, i did today. live like a hermit in a shack among the birds and the bees. i wish, but not today.

Sunday, November 25, 2007

another day in the life

another day in the life. today some live, others exist. then tomorrow comes and others live and some exist. the best place to live is deep within oneself. there, no one can hurt you. all humans are inherently selfish, cares only for himself or herself's own gratification, almost always at the expense of another human's hurt and misery. but that's who we are. a bunch of civilised animals. did i say 'civilised'?

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

first write

this is my first post, well actually it's my second. first is a pic which i was then going to put as my profile pic but just can't figure out how to do it. maybe one day. i hope, intend to write whenever the mood takes me even if it's just a word.